

🇬🇧 “RAKLJANSKI UMJETNICI NA JENEN MISTU – Rakljan´s artists at once” opening of the exhibition in the Krnica Tourist Information Center on Wednesday, August 2 at 9 p.m.
The Tourist Board of the Municipality of Marčana invites you to the opening of the exhibition “Rakljanski umjetnici na jenen mistu – Rakljan`s artists at once” this Wednesday, August 2, 2023, at 9 p.m.
Kristina Valić, Marija Valić – Mima and Mario Hauser will present their works together in the atrium of the Tourist Information Center in Krnica.
Kristina Valić is a self-taught artist from Rakalj. Ever since she was little, she was always drawing something and was perfectly happy when she only had a blank piece of paper in front of her, and that is still the case today. She deals with different types of art: she paints, makes sculptures in clay and makes jewelry. At this exhibition, she will present various oils on canvas with Istrian motifs of olives, stone walls, churches and sea. Before she started painting seriously in 1998, Kristina worked in fashion design. She likes to express herself in different ways. The subjects of her paintings are, in addition to landscapes, portraits of faces, flowers, angels, the sky and abstractions.
In her spare time, Marija Valić-Mima operates creatively in the Art Studio from Pula under the guidance of mentor Igor Fabris, where she makes useful and decorative ceramic objects in different techniques, and will present them at the exhibition in Krnica. Marija lives and works in Pula, with a strong presence of the influence of Rakalj and Rakalj tradition, from where she proudly points out her origin and draws inspiration and muse. By profession, she is a lawyer who practices her profession in a domestic financial institution. She is open-minded, a lover of nature and an active lifestyle.
Mario Hauser was born in Pula, and has been working and living in Rakalj since retirement. He is an electrician by profession, for some time he expressed himself with oil on canvas and graphics on glass. Around 15 years ago, he accidentally came into contact with the technique of making mosaics, and since then he has devoted himself entirely to making useful objects, such as paintings, mirrors, tables, and small benches decorated with mosaics. He mostly works for his own taste, but ofthen he also makes mosaic in scriptions on order, he likes Roman motifs and the ornament of braids and meanders. He started doing mosaics more seriously when he moved to Rakalj. He does everything himself in his home workshop: he bakes two types of cubes in a small oven; from white, black and red clay, earth-colored ones, and by adding various pigments of other colors (blue, green, yellow, etc.) to white cement, he obtains cubes of those colors, dries them and breaks them with hand pliers.
The group exhibition includes the works of three authors in one place in order to present them to the local community and numerous guests, hence the name ” Rakljanski umjetnici na jenen mistu – Rakljan artists at once”. The exhibition will be on display for a full month and can be viewed from Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 11 am and from 6 pm to 9 pm. In addition to encouraging local creativity and art, TZO Marčani’s desire is to offer primarily autochthonous content, a local, sustainable story and hand-made souvenirs through the exhibition. Welcome!
🇭🇷 „RAKLJANSKI UMJETNICI NA JENEN MISTU“ – otvorenje izložbe u Turističkom informativnom centru Krnica, u srijedu 2. kolovoza u 21 sat.
Turistička zajednica Općine Marčana poziva Vas na otvorenje izložbe „Rakljanski umjetnici na jenem mistu“ ove srijede, 2. kolovoza 2023., u 21 sat. U prostoru Turističkog informativnog centra u Krnici zajedno će svoje radove predstaviti Kristina Valić, Marija Valić – Mima i Mario Hauser.
Kristina Valić samouka je umjetnica iz Raklja. Od malena je uvijek nešto crtala i savršeno bila sretna kad je pred sobom imala samo prazan papir, a tako je i danas. Bavi se različitim vrstama umjetnosti: slika, radi skulpture u glini, izrađuje nakit. Na ovoj izložbi će predstaviti razna ulja na platnu s istarskim motivima masline, suhozida, crkvica i mora. Prije nego li se ozbiljno počela baviti slikarstvom 1998. godine, Kristina se bavila modnim dizajnom. Voli se izražavati na različite načine. Teme njezinih slika su osim pejzaža, i portreti lica, cvijeće, anđeli, nebo i apstrakcije.
Marija Valić- Mima u svoje slobodno vrijeme kreativno djeluje u okviru Art studija iz Pule pod vodstvom mentora Igora Fabrisa, gdje izrađuje uporabne i ukrasne predmete od keramike u različitim tehnikama, te će iste i predstaviti na izložbi u Krnici. Marija živi i radi u Puli, sa snažnim prisustvom utjecaja Raklja i rakljanske tradicije, odakle ponosno ističe svoje porijeklo te crpi inspiraciju i nadahnuće. Po zanimanju je diplomirana pravnica koja svoju profesiju ostvaruje u jednoj domaćoj financijskoj instituciji. Otvorenog je duha, ljubiteljica prirode i aktivnog načina života.
Mario Hauser je rođen u Puli, a od umirovljenja radi i živi u Raklju. Po struci je električar, neko se vrijeme izražavao uljem na platnu i grafikama na staklu. Prije 15ak godina je slučajno došao u doticaj s tehnikom izrade mozaika i od tada se u potpunosti posvetio izradi uporabnih predmeta, poput slika, ogledala, stolova, škanjića ukrašenih mozaikom. Najviše radi za svoj gušt, no često po narudžbi radi i natpise u mozaik tehnici, a dragi su mu rimski motivi te ornament pletera i meandra. Mozaikom se ozbiljnije počeo baviti kada se preselio u Rakalj. Sve radi sam u svojoj kućnoj radionici: u maloj peći peče dvije vrste kockica; od bijele, crne i crvene gline one zemljanih boja, a dodavanjem raznih pigmenata drugih boja (plave, zelene, žute i dr.) u bijeli cement dobiva kockice tih boja, suši ih i lomi ručnim kliještima.
Skupna izložba obuhvaća radove triju autora na jednom mjestu kako bi se predstavili lokalnoj zajednici i brojnim gostima, otud i naziv „Rakljanski umjetnici na jenem mistu“. Izložba će biti postavljena punih mjesec dana i moći će se razgledati od ponedjeljka do subote od 8-11 sati i od 18-21 sat. Uz poticanje lokalnog stvaralaštva i umjetnosti, želja TZO Marčana je kroz izložbu ponuditi prvenstveno autohtoni sadržaj, lokalnu, održivu priču i ručno izrađene suvenire.